Friday, June 30, 2006

a new deck and other stuff

So I'm actually getting ready to put my deck in. I had always planned on putting one in, but was afraid that it would be too expensive to do this year. I changed my plans on the wood shed, and the money I saved for that project can go partly into the deck. The wood shed won't be attached to the house, and will cost a whole lot less.

The deck is going to run from the front door to the dog house. I got a great deal on recycled wood decking product that has some poly something or other in it as well, which keeps it from rotting or going bad. The measurements will be something like 28 by 12. We are always tracking sand and dirt into the house, and I think this will really cut down on that. I would also like to build an arbor-type thing that goes from the edge of the deck to the house. I want lots of vine plants growing up and around the wood. Some peas, gourds, and whatever else I can find. Lots of built up garden beds all around the deck. I can't wait to get that all done. It's going to be awesome. Here's a picture of where it will go. I will have to make the ground even, which will be a bit of work, but totally worth it. On the ground is the last pile of junk I need to clean up and find space for. That feels good, too!

I also got all the wood cleaned up that Moe and Liz helped me cut down. The driveway looks really nice now, and I got some wood to burn for next year in the process. Not as much as I would have liked, but anything is better than nothing. Soon Matti will help me cut down some big trees that are either close to dead or smothering some other nice ones. Hopefully I'll be close to getting all the wood I need for next year. As a result of all the cleaning up, here is a picture of my new bonfire wood pile. Geez. It's like halfway up the side of the goat barn!

Another picture of my really clean barn, just because I like looking at it. Another reason to feel very happy!

And last but not least, a picture of the ducks and geese by the clean barn. In the background is the last of the junk pile that needs to go to the dump. I can't believe we are this close to having a really clean piece of land. Once I get the roof off the old house and start tearing that down I'm sure there will be a whole lot more, but that's different. That junk is supposed to be there. I do still have to figure out what to do with the 50+ tires that are lying around everywhere. I looked into building a tire house, but that's a lot of work. What I could do is eventually build a fence with them, but it would be pretty ugly unless I make sure to plant stuff that will grow up and over it. It might make for an interesting project, actually.

Oh, the ducks and geese are now sleeping in the barn where the turkeys used to sleep. They are getting used to heading there every night now, and it is so much more comfortable for them than that little house I built. Tomorrow Matti and I are going to pick up 6 pieces of free standing welded panel fencing which will allow the ducks to have more grazing area and I wont' have to worry about dogs or Bill harassing them. Eventually, when I get an electric fence, I will get a few more pieces so that Bill will have a large grazing pen as well. Then I won't have to worry about any of the animals when I'm off on my long kayaks! And Bill will keep out of trouble that way.


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