Saturday, July 08, 2006

the new deck idea!

The deck is almost finished. It really didn't take me long at all to do the framing, but leveling it was a different matter. I wasn't quite sure how to do it, but I think it ended up being ok. I had to build 2 separate frames and then butt them up again each other. I just realized what I didn't do, though--attach them! Shoot! Darn it. Hopefull the boards will keep them tight enough. Can't believe I didn't do that. Anyway.....I have another 5 foot section to get done tomorrow.

I got this great idea this morning: I've been interested in sheet composting because that's what Diane has always done. A layer of newspapers, a layer of leaves, and then manure. I found tons of old rotted hay that I can use for the leaves plus lots of manure from the chickens and ducks/geese. I was thinking that I would start layering that in the front yard, including the front of the deck. That lead to this next cool idea.

I decided to make an arbor along the entire front of the deck, using old 2x6's to frame in beds on the ground underneath the arbor. I will do that along the front side as well, leaving a doorway onto the deck. I can plant lots of climbing plants there. What's really exciting is that I decided to build a brick fireplace along the other end of the deck, by the door. It is going to be like walking into this outside room. I can't wait to get started!

Here's how it's looking so far!

The problem is that I need to get the logs for the arbor from the goat barn, which means I need to start ripping that thing apart. Whew. Lots to do!


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