Friday, July 14, 2006

trellis finished!

So I'm finally finished, and I think it looks absolutely awesome. I still have more manure to put in the beds, but when I was getting some the other day, I uncovered some kind of bee nest. I got stung 2x, and it really hurt! Hadn't been stung since I was a kid, and it seems like it hurt worse this time. I had a hole in the finger of my glove and, of course, got stung there.

I'll get brave tomorrow!

I still have to do some digging on the far end where the grill will go, but I'm not really sure how to do all that yet anyway, so I'll concentrate on cleaning the horse barn out so that I have room to put the wood from the goat barn. I'll be using it in the house so I don't want it sitting outside.

I also made a wind chime today out of a bunch of neat metal pcs that were in the barn. I've got some cool stuff left, so we'll see what else I can come up with.

It stormed this morning--it was pretty awesome--and it was cool for a while. It's in the 80's now, but it feels a whole lot better than it did earlier in the week. We're supposed to hit 100 tomorrow, but let's hope it passes us up.


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Phantoms and Voices said...

this is awesome. Now you need some flowers in the boxes :)


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