Saturday, June 03, 2006

saturday? already?

Boy, the bad thing about not doing this every night is that I have totally forgotten what I have done this week. Some things I can think of right off the bat:

1) I smashed my finger with a hammer for the first time this season. You know, that isn't really that bad at all considering I've been pounding for over a month. I forgot how freaking bad that hurts.

2) Bill has found the dog house. This is so not good at all, because the house is just a flap away. I don't think he realizes yet that he could get in the house if he wanted to, but it would be a total disaster if he ever did. I have tried to lower the door so just the cats can get it, since vanna spends most of her day outdoors anyway, but every time I go by I hear a grunt hello telling me where he is. I scold him and chase him out with a broom, but darn it if he isn't in there the next time I go by. He got into the sauna another time, but this time his poop wasn't so runny, so we can be thankful for small favours!

What else....I'm going to see what pictures I have taken and maybe that will jog my memory. Stay tuned....


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