Sunday, May 21, 2006

the coops

So it was a productive day yesterday. So productive that I slept in till 7, and am skipping my run for a hot cup of coffee and some blogging. It's 34 freaking degrees outside, also, which is quite the bummer. The great news is that it isn't raining or snowing. That is a very good thing.

Thought I'd show you some before and after shots of the work that Diane, Alex and I did yesterday on the chicken coop barn. We're getting there. I definitely need to get the chicks out of here. It looks like I'll have more males than females, and they are doing quite a bit of posturing. When they happen to escape from the pens when I feed them, they enjoy doing some major flying. Freaks the cats out a bit.

I messed up the second picture so it is sideways, but notice the homemade wood stove! I found a brochure from the guy who did all this work here. His name is Vincent Linder, and is a designer craftsman. Every piece is original. I wonder where this dude is now? He's amazingly creative.

Here are some shots of what we have managed to do thus far. Deb is coming this morning, and I think we should be able to get rid of all the boxes that are left in there. Moe and Liz are also coming to work on the sale, so they should all end up in the road house eventually. I intend to put 2 more sections for birds where are the boxes are.

Diane had a great idea about bringing in a small tree that I had to cut down so the chicks would have a real tree roost. I think it's a pretty cool idea, so we'll see how that works once I get the door on there. I'm still recycling doors and wood from the old goat house, which is saving me tons of time, so hopefully I can rig one of those to fit the coops.


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