Saturday, October 07, 2006

wood shed finished (almost!)

I am unbelievably happy that the wood shed is finished. I say almost because I ran out of the wood that I will use on one side and a bit on the front, but the rest is done. (I'm using the wood that came from the little house that will be the chicken coop. I'll keep putting more wood up as I take it out of the house.) Regardless, it has a roof, and I'm totally ready to get all the wood in. My friend Doug came over last Sunday to help me put some stuff together. His advice was invaluable. Like, "Uh, Neely, don't you need a door?" as I was proceeding to frame all the sides without even thinking of an entrance way. Here's to friends who are willing to state the obvious without being embarrassed about it!
Here are some pics.

Here's one of the piles that needs to be moved!

Here's a picture of Benj and Rio working on the kindling pile. Kind of working. Their time was being demanded elsewhere!


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