Sunday, September 10, 2006

it's getting cold!

Geez--it's 34 freaking degrees this morning! It was pretty cold the night before as well, but at least I remembered to shut the windows last night so I can't see my breath this morning. Frost everywhere. In spite of the cold, most of the chickens, turkeys and guineas are still roosting out in the trees at night. We had a decent size storm a couple of nights ago with a lot of wind, but they seemed to do just fine. Strange creatures.

It is definitely time to start thinking about finishing the coop roof, insulating the inside, and building the wood shed. I definitely haven't done as much as I should be doing--it's taking me a bit to adjust to school. Not that I mind it, just that it will take some getting used to.

I'm still hunting for eggs--they just refuse to use the nests. I did find a guinea egg right in the middle of nowhere. Very strange. Usually they find a private space. I mean, wouldn't you if you were going to lay an egg? It should be a very private matter, I'm thinking! But I've been finding at least one egg a day from the chicks. I bet I've got tons more sitting out somewhere.

Although it's possible that they are getting eaten by skunks. Vanna got skunked but good Friday night. Right on the deck. It hurt to be in the house the smell was so strong! I had picked up some deskunking stuff from the vet last year after Vanna had gotten skunked the first time. It's a miracle product. Not a bit of skunk smell on her at all. Pretty cool! And I didn't even need to use that much. Totally worth the money!!

Here are some pictures that the guys took recently.

Ok, maybe not...let's try again.


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