Sunday, October 08, 2006

New wood stove

Almost forgot to mention that we now have a different wood stove at the goat. We switched with Diane. Hers was too big for her cabin, and mine was too small and didn't work well anyway. I had an Earth Stove in the road house so she took that one and we have hers. I hope that they both work out well. This baby weighed a ton. Marshall and Dawn came over to help us move them all. We owe them big, so we figure a family outing of pizza and beer would be a start.

I like the looks of it in here, don't you?

On a side note, I just found out I need bifocals. Sigh...And surgery. I've got some big kind of lump on the back of my leg above my knee that needs to be removed. Shouldn't be a big deal (don't they always say that?) so hopefully I will be back to normal in 2 weeks. (But don't they always say that?) I'm giving myself time to do all the winter prep stuff around here before I get it done. I'm sure it won't be a big deal, but I'd rather know we are ready for the big snows.


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