Saturday, May 20, 2006

rub a dub dub, 8 ducks, 3 geese in a tub

So Diane and Alex helped me out a lot today. We got most of the chicken wire up-I just need to build a door. I need to clean out the rest of the barn but the rain and possible snow will hinder that. Guess I'll just keep working on Bill's house. He's coming tomorrow and could use a warm place to stay. The chicks, geese, and ducks will just have to make it for a few more days. Oh, I mean I'll have to make it for a few more days.

Thought I would show you a few pictures of the ducks and geese taking a bath while I cleaned their cages:

They sure smell a lot better. Look at that filthy water!

Here's a picture of a turkey who is really beginning to grow. They love attention, and cry a lot when they don't get it. I think my favorite fowl, at least at this point, are the turkeys.


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