Friday, July 28, 2006

the goat's loaded with horny males

It's starting to get ridiculous. Any loud squawking outside can be attributed to either Alfred or Chirp humping the poor chicks who are running frantically around trying to avoid them, or Station, the big-butted goose, humping Elvis, the Peking duck. I haven't noticed the turkeys acting up, but even Bill kicks up his heels whenever I come out of the house.


Here are some pictures that the guys took of their pals.

Chirp, a fine looking male specimen:

Alfred, the nicest looking rooster I have ever seen in my life. His comb is just spectacular. We really should show him or something. He knows he's hot, and 8 times out of 10, he's the reason for the hens squawking:

Some nice shots of the turkeys. These guys are just really really cool people:


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