Tuesday, May 08, 2007

yippee!!! it's summer!


So I haven't written in months, but that's ok. Got my comps finished, although I still have my oral exam staring me in the face. Next Tuesday will be the deciding factor. I really like what I wrote, so that's very cool. I also now know where I'm going with my dissertation because of the comp process so that's even cooler!

But in the meantime, work at the goat has now started. I got 2 sections of the barn cleaned out, and, as a result, now have a huge pile of manure to play with. I bought this compost cover thing that speeds up the composting process, so I'll be excited to see how that works. I should take pictures of the huge pile already sitting outside of the barn--it should double in size once I get the last section cleaned out. That's going to be quite the job!

I also moved a bunch of wood and have found out that I have a lot more ready for next year than what I thought! I am converting the wood shed into a pig shed for the summer. I bought some portable fencing units that I'll be able to use for them as well, allowing them to get out and clean up a section of land that I want to plant next year. It's an interesting process to look ahead and figure out what needs to be done to get things ready for something in the future.

Here's some pictures of some of the animals out this spring....

The turkeys--as manly as ever!

Station and the geese:



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